Archive for context

Context, or how the biggest of ‘rights’ can be wrong in a different place

Posted in Mauritius, Chapter III with tags , , , , , , , , , on 3 November 2012 by hithertododos

Context is a tremendously undervalued and under-considered thing, even though it’s present in life all the time everywhere. What is context? In simple terms, the situation combined with surrounding factors and influences. Context can change within a house, within a neighbourhood, within a day, anywhere. Context definitely changes across regions, countries, and continents.

Context comes into play at home as well as at work. If we make proper use of tact (which not everybody does), we adapt to the context. Talking to your best friend of many years and talking to whoever you met the day before is different. You wouldn’t say the same things to your parent(s) as you do to your cousin(s) of the same age group. A cultural occurrence in one country cannot be considered universal to the point of thinking all others are backwards. Some surprisingly, some may even believe what they think is ‘right’ or ‘righter’ than others and should not be adapted when in fact it is far from the case. And so on. If context matters so much, then how come it’s mostly ignored? As is the modern trend, simple things are often forewent by complex ones.

“Why spend time dealing with something simple when much more complicated things can be dealt with? I am much better than that!”

Well…when did the child first learn to run before having learnt how to walk?
How can someone deal correctly with something complex if they can’t even handle a simple one…?

It is essential to consider context as it forms the basis, the essence of communication. The same thing said in different contexts can have different meanings. So if people don’t learn how to communicate, what’s the point trying to learn advanced communication? Context depends on situation, but also on other related factors. Societal norms and mores vary from place to place, personally and professionally, and their existence depend on the local context. People have different sensitivities and react accordingly to different stimuli. After all, you would adapt whatever you say on a very sensitive issue to someone hysterical, wouldn’t you? There are countless examples like that and their differences are quasi endless.

Basically, there is no template to be used everywhere all the time. Context has to be looked at in all situations and its importance is such that there can be communication without it. Saying something, even if true, in the wrong context can do more harm than good. Adapting content to situation can foster receptiveness and improve communication. Better communication can get things done. Even multinationals are investing a lot in understanding local context before implanting themselves now.

The importance of context is increasing for businesses worldwide, but it has been lagging behind on the human scale. It may be time for it to change perhaps?