Archive for stupid

Learning Italian 2 months after having lived there

Posted in Cesena, Italia with tags , , , , , , , , , on 21 May 2009 by hithertododos

That is how things are done sometimes :) After having spent two months living in Italy with my somewhat-broken Italian, we have now been offered Italian courses. The professoressa is nice. Kinda cute too. Someone in the MILF typology. haha

However, IMHO, the course level is too low for what I have become accustomed to. I mean, I live with 4 Italian girls and besides Italian, they know nowt. So many of the things that are being taught in there are how to say..well..not new. It’s like re learning the ABCs of language.

Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway, the weather’s been great these days. Hot, yes, but nice. I drink my 2 litres+ of water everyday, and that too excluding tea and coffee. I have restarted going to the gym this week seriously and I am going there everyday for at least a 1h workout, with cardio 2-3 times a week. My body is restarting to have a desired shape and it does make me feel better!

Today I would like to complete one of last two papers I have to turn in by the end of the month and then I have to get on with the data analysis for my thesis. I was hoping to get it done by the weekend, which I can still achieve if I get down with it, but I opted to try to meet the professor to discuss some things with him – just in case.

That leaves me with one thing to do now, and that is get back to my studies!! :P